Shipping & returns

Shipping and returns

How will my order be shipped?  

Based on the delivery schedule that you select, your order will be shipped within the United States using one of our preferred carriers. For international shipments, please go shop at our UK online store. 

What if I’m not satisfied with my order?

Your satisfaction is of our utmost priority.

If you are not satisfied with your order, we offer a 60 days full refund with no questions asked for customers who would like to return the product, even as empty boxes.

We want to make your purchasing experience with SpoGest as satisfactory as possible.

Just send us an email at or contact us on our website chat box or through Facebook or Instagram and we will respond within 24 hours.


Can I return my order?

Yes you can return your order. We offer a 60 days full refund with no questions asked for customers who would like to return the product, even as empty boxes.

Please send us an email at or contact us on our website chat box or through Facebook or Instagram and we will respond within 24 hours.


How do I return my order?

To return a product that you purchased from SpoGest or from a health-care practitioner, please email to receive specific instructions on returns and exchanges.